Wednesday, January 8, 2014



Dear readers and friends reading this Blog: Happy New Year to you all!

The new year has just started and somehow this makes all of us full of enthusiasm and ready to commit to work on things we want to do, things we want to change, places we want to go and dreams we want to make come true!

I too do it to every year, and somehow I tend to loose all of that enthusiasm after a while. I get busy with my day to day works and things to do and I forget about what I really had promise myself to do!! Not this year!

I'm committed to keep alive all my new year resolutions this time.

I'm committed to improve my life, to increase my personal grow, and finally make my big dream come true.
I want to loose the 15 pounds I keep saying I want to loose, to learn perfect Spanish, learn to meditate, go back to my yoga routine, finish all the songs I have written and never finished and finding the rest of the funding I need to film my PBS Special "From Venice With Love". This will allow me to live my dream, to bring my romantic music to many more people! All over the globe! When I'm on stage I feel at my best: I love to entertain and to touch people with my songs and stories. And the applause of my audience gives me the reasons why I love it so much: they give me back even more emotions that I give. And I think the world could use some romance!!

I'm so ready to see what this new year will bring committed to make it a beautiful one!!! One to remember!!
I have printed and put on my wall the list with all my Goals and Dreams for this new year and I'm so looking forward to make them all happen!

Stay tuned here and I will share my year journey with you!! I will take into my life, my dreams and my adventures .

Next Blog I will take you into the studio with incredible great harpist Gloria Galante as we will start work at our Christmas CD project together!!
And follow me on my Facebook and Twitter for my everyday adventures!!

Love and Baci,

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